Angel of the Dawn
The answer lies within you.
The answer lies within you. Good fortune awaits you today...
While these words might seem simple, they hold much more meaning.
Today is a lucky day—a day when something may happen, perhaps unnoticed, that will positively mark your future.
It could be anything—a thought, a phrase from someone you love, or an event that may seem insignificant.
Something that could happen in any everyday moment. Sometimes we go through phases in life where we feel stuck in a sort of slumber, with a feeling of being unlucky or, better said, as if luck has turned against us.
Destiny requires us to pass through all necessary stages, and this situation has now changed. Events are written in secret places in the Universe and are already destined to unfold.
This time, I won’t need to tell you anything specific. I simply bring you, from the depths of time, the assurance that today could be a pivotal day that will reveal itself in a subtle way.
Today should be a day of good fortune. Or of good news.
Whatever you decide will be right; it will have a positive impact on your future. I bring you this affirmation:
‘I have carved into the deep stones
The song I learned in a dream.
Sleeping sands sang it,
With a shout calling out to you...!’
And today, these may come to life."

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