Unity, and the need to unite, to bring balance to life, is today’s theme.
Conflicts, misunderstandings must be cleared away, bringing light to situations that lack harmony. When we’re busy or deeply focused on a special project, it’s easy to lose balance, neglecting other important areas of our lives.
While it’s necessary to stay focused, if you push yourself too far in one direction, it can lead to frustration and even intense stress. That’s when it’s time to take a higher view of your life, bringing everything back to a balanced state.
This is where the wheel of life can help you—especially through friends and family. Disruptions in balance may stem from their own struggles that they don’t know how to handle.
That’s where you can build a bridge to reach them. You may need to be the one to seek dialogue and extend a hand. Even if they have hurt you deeply.
Although this concept is commonly applied to professional life, it can help you consider each area of your life and assess its balance, allowing you to identify areas needing more attention.
In everyday life, people around you may have been unkind. If this discord stems from envy or jealousy, it’s even more important for you to build those spiritual bridges, because today’s mission is to help others.
Jealous or envious people suffer deeply. Some may even wish ill on the object of their envy. They are poor in spirit, and your task is to educate them by showing, through your example, that not only do their negative energies not reach you, but you’re also morally strong and spiritually elevated enough to forgive and guide them toward the joy of celebrating others’ achievements.
That’s why your affirmation for today should be: where there is division, I will build a bridge.
Find light and a sense of inner peace if you take the necessary steps, setting aside pride.

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