

Automatic translation : Systran




An Natal Chart is a "map" of the sky, that reflects the position of the Sun, the Moon and planets in relation to the celestial vault and the horizon from the birthplace in the date and hour of birth.

For that reason it is necessary to know, to raise your personal NATAL CHART, the hour, the place, more exactly possible, of your birth.

Through a NATAL CHART, we will be able to find out aspects of your character or tendencies before the circumstances that to you the life presents/displays.

It is, first of all, a tool for conocerte to same t?, since it shows the potential of that you arrange or areas to us of your personality that you can develop.

2. It knows the influences

As we are living our life, we are seeing how much really it reflected a NATAL CHART to us. Evidently, it is easier that an adult person (as of the 35 or 40 years) feels more identified before which Lee who not a young person (18, 20 years...), the reason is simple: by logic, first it will have lived more experiences than they will have given opportunity to that they leave all these tendencies, whereas el/la young, is beginning to live his first experiences and is not applying the 100% of its "abilities", since there are situations that are about to to live themselves.

The NATAL CHART is formed by three different components and the relation that there is among them. These are: "the planets", "the signs" and "the houses".

The planets, since the Sun and the Moon are considered like planets, added to you raise them following,: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, add ten.

Each planet has its own and personal characteristic.

,El more important is the Sun, the position of this one in a concrete sign gives what we called "solar sign", when we say: I am G?minis or Tauro, we are saying that at the moment for being born, the Sun was in this constellation or sign .

The rest of planets will be in other signs and will determine other aspects of our personality.

Another important element is the Signs.

It is the place where the planets are located in their turn around the Earth.

In an astral letter, the planets are located from the Earth position.

The signs of the zodiac are twelve;

A NATAL CHART, has 360?, dividing by the 12 signs, each one of them, has 30?.

And finally, they are the houses.

These have a relation with the signs, because also they are twelve, but the degrees vary based on the hour and the birthplace.

Most important it is house 1 that it agrees with the point of ascent of the Sun at the moment for being born, is the house of the Ascending one, the one that determines in great majority our physical characteristics.

It is, in fact, the worthy one that it was in the horizon, when being born.

Between planets, they take place, according to his position, which is called ASPECTS.

These can be harmonic (also called beneficial or positive), inarm?nicos (maleficent or negative) or neutral.

Then, it is analyzed, the relation between each one, and the sign, and house that occupy.

The favorable Aspects are called: tr?gono and sextil. (first, it will be the distance of 120? between two planets. And the second, of 60?. With a tolerance of 6?)

Unfavorable aspects: opposition(distance of 180?), quadrature (90?) and semiquadrature (45?).

The aspect, conjunction(When they are in the same degree, or to a distance of 10?) If he is favorable or no, will depend on the planets that forms it and its situation in the letter.

Comparing the NATAL CHART with a musical work, the Planets would be the notes of melod?a, that play a role basic ( since without them there is no musical work), the signs would be the tonalities, that give to sonorous foundation to notes and the houses, the different movements from the work; the aspects would be the emotion that form agreed notes to each other and.

A NATAL CHART, which will do, is darte all your possibilities, luck in general, throughout your life, difficulties, your relation with your brothers, compatriots, pairs, parents, race, capacities, talent, ambitions, or the lack of them, etc.

In summary, it will speak of: your personality, the possibilities as far as the money, and your relation with him.

Your compatriots, the brothers, the intellectual capacity, the loves, love affairs, children, capacity to see the life, in optimistic form, or refusal, capacities of "resurrection", the difficult situations of the life.

The tendencies to certain diseases, the organs more ?"weak", to which you must take care of more.


The luck, or no, in the pair, the marriage. The inheritances, material, as as much spiritual. the capacity for the businesses. the luck or no, in them.

The possibilities of long trips, or call to account far from your native place.

The social action. Your possibilities of prevailing in the race.

Your relation with your parents.

The friends.

Everything what one studies in a NATAL CHART, is as the photography of the soul, expressed in symbols, with the luck, or no, that will accompany to you throughout your life, in the different sectors.

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